Trendsetter--innovator--motivator--guide. But what does it really mean to be a good leader and how do you become one?
Many people believe they are leaders because people listen to them. But being a leader is not about being bossy. Great leaders understand, it's not about what "I" say, it's about the ability to draw unity from a group. Life is chaotic. A leader's job is to make sense of chaos.
Source: Bill Cordes - Bill works with high school students across the United States on skills and strategies they can use to become leaders that inspire, educate, and guide.
A good leader...
Challenges the Process
- searches for opportunities
- experiments and takes risks
Inspires a Shared Vision
- envisions the future
- enlists others to help
Enables Others to Act
- fosters collaboration
- strengthens others --listens to what they are saying;
encourages growth
- gives others ownership and independence
Models the Way
- sets the example
- plans small wins
- walks the talk
Encourages Others
- recognizes individual contributions
- celebrates accomplishments