Many of us have probably been driving along and almost out of nowhere a biker appears in front of us. We usually aren't looking for bikers or even think to look, especially out on country roads. We think of bikers as riding on a trail or in town on sidewalks, but the reality is there are many bikers out on the roads. Bikers who ride for intense exercise or who are preparing for a race feel a trail doesn't provide adequate training, so many will ride on the roadway with cars. Roads have challenging hills and it's easier to ride long distances. When we speed over a hill or find ourselves driving distracted, remember there just may be a biker up ahead.
It's important for drivers to be aware and expect the unexpected, but bikers must also do their part. As drivers we can pay attention to our surroundings and slow down if we are approaching an object we can't immediately identify. As bikers we can avoid roads with heavy traffic, follow the rules of the road, wear bright colored clothing, a helmet that fits properly, and be aware that drivers may not see us and be ready to take action to avoid a crash.