February 8, 2010

Action Planning

Step 1
Establish a planning team. Who are the adult and student leaders that can help you achieve your goal?

Step 2

What are the alcohol and traffic safety concerns in your community? Ask your peers and adults in the local area what they think the concerns are and compare the responses. Are there issues that both groups agree need to be addressed? This may be a good place to start if several groups support your campaign.

Step 3

Why does the problem exist? What is the result of the problem?

Step 4

Who is your audience? What type of media will be most relevant for a specific type of group? (age, gender, interests, etc.)

Step 5

What do you hope to achieve? Do you have a SMART goal? What people, places or things might help you achieve your goal? What things might stand in the way of achieving your goal? (money, volunteers, materials, time, etc.)

Step 6

What is your time frame? Make sure you have a time frame and schedule so you can get your ideas out there and have time to collect comments! WHO will do WHAT for WHOM by WHEN and HOW will the results be measured?

Step 7

What is your budget? Does your group have a fund to pay for materials or will you need to find a sponsor for your campaign? Contact vendors to determine the cost of different media items.

Step 8

How will you get the message out to your audience? At some point you will need to find volunteers or assign team members to be responsible for specific tasks.

Step 9

Evaluation. How will you measure that your goal(s) and objectives were achieved?


(message, type of media, color, design, words, size...)