The Get A Grip Leadership Program will fund 300 message pens for your team to hand out to high school peers during the 2010 fall semester ($430 value).
Each message pen will have six 40 character messages. One message must be the blog address ( with two alcohol prevention/education messages and one traffic safety message.** The remaining two messages may be specific to your high school. The pen barrel graphic is negotiable.
Barrel graphic and pen messages must be approved by the Get A Grip Program and their sponsors before production.
Additional message pen information.
**Message pen topics
Alcohol-Impaired Driving/Riding
(no drinking and driving or riding with someone that has been drinking)
Personal Safety in Transportation
(seat belts, speeding, texting and other distractions while driving, drowsy driving, etc.)
Pen Distribution and Feedback
When distributing the message pens to your high school peers, please ask them to fill out a short evaluation card about the Get A Grip 2010 Blog. Fifteen cards (5 evals per team member) and a postage-paid return envelope will be given to your media team.