Get A Grip is a student-driven and staff supported alcohol education and traffic safety leadership program for teens and young adults attending Iowa high schools and colleges. The program began in 1991 and in May 2010 we will be celebrating the beginning of our 20th year.
We are dedicated to leadership development and creative prevention strategies and will provide the tools and resources needed to reduce the number of teen and young adult alcohol-related traffic incidents, distracted and drowsy driving crashes, and pedestrian/bicycle injuries in Iowa, and will contribute time and energy to the creation of healthy and safe communities.
Our focus is on the people and communities we serve and our program is built on the principles of community, respect, choices, and accountability.
To engage Iowa students in discussion of issues relevant to them, their peers, and their community and work to initiate and achieve ongoing communication, proactive safety planning, and alcohol education programming that will contribute to a quality high school and college experience.